105.000 people can´t be wrong!

I am amazed! No more being stuck in traffic, no more trying to find a parking spot, no more running after busses, no more time spent on, by tourists and pickpockets crowded metro platforms, no more waiting for the tram or wasting money on expensive taxi fares!

After trying for just a little bit more than a week. I am totally convinced! I love “Bicing” and its great concept of bike sharing here in Barcelona. If I´m alone to see the clever in this? No! Almost 105.000 citizens are using this service and the popularity is growing. In Barcelona bikes are stolen all the time and you´re recommended to invest the same amount of money on your locks, as you did on your bike in the first place. …but, with Bicing, you´ll need no more worries my friend. You don´t need to carry your bike up and down the stairs anymore, and no matter where in the city you are, you can almost be sure to have a Bicing station within two or three blocks from you. Where I live, I have six stations within a distance of 300 meters, the closest one is just a block away.

Click on the pic below to see the map showing the locations of all Bicing stations.

Bicing Station by the beach in Barcelona

Bicing Station by the beach in Barcelona

Whenever you want to go somewhere in the city, you just catch a bike from nearest Bicing station. Slip your magnetic card, grab the bike suggested on the display and off you go. You have 30 minutes per ride on your annual subscription included. If you´re holding on to the bike longer than that you need to pay an extra fee. About 45 euros is the yearly cost, that´s pretty much what I spent before only on Metro cards every month. You can return your bike at any of the 420 stations around, wherever it is convenient for you. Bicing has 6000 bikes available for its clients and every bike travels an average of more than 550 km per month. That´s pretty impressive.

The photo below is a link to a map of Barcelona with the main bike lanes displayed.

Bike lanes photographed from my balcony

Bike lanes photographed from my balcony

Barcelona is an excellent city for this concept. The weather conditions are great most time of the year. Since the main part of the city is rather flat you don´t need to struggle going uphill all the time. There are also a lot of space, for example if you´re cruising on the beach walk or along the biggest streets and avenues like Diagonal or Gran Via. Usually you just need to go a couple of blocks to find a nice bike lane integrated in the street. It feels very good to cycle through the city, passing car queues and traffic jams smoothly, and it´s so nice to feel the breeze in your hair while moving around downtown in the sunshine instead of sitting or standing in a really warm bus.

Below you have screenshot of the Bicing smartphone app. It´s really useful, showing you where you can find an available bike or a space to park the one you´re already on. If you click on the pic you will see a listing of the largest bike sharing programs around the world. Is there bike sharing in your city? If you have experience or thoughts on the concept, please feel free to comment on the blog post! 🙂

Some of the more than 420 Bicing stations in Barcelona

Some of the more than 420 Bicing stations in Barcelona

Unfortunately Bicing is not available for tourists from outside of Catalonia. I now that in Gothenburg for example you can get a three days pass on the bike sharing there for about €1,20 and that´s a good price. Here the many bike rental shops were strictly against these kind of offers. As a tourist you can find so many alternatives to Bicing, but if you´re living here it´s truly recommended. Personally I think it´s the very best way of getting around here, no doubt.

Sustainaboost just registered on Instagram a week ago. If you like the new photos, feel free to follow us there. Just click on the picture for the link so you can like and comment on all future pictures. Come on now, click! …let´s see if you can click on my nose! 😉 Hehe!

Cruising on a mission ;)

Cruising on a mission 😉

Wonderful little movie of a cruise in Barcelona! Looks great don´t you think?!

Anyway folks, I´m so happy that I started to use Bicing. This city changed a lot in my point of view, and it´s all for the better. If you also want to subscribe on this wonderfully clever bike sharing, that saves you money, improves your health and reduce emissions and noise. Just click on the Bicing logo below for the official webpage! …and if your family and friends or anyone you know are tired of the traffic situation, just recommend them bike sharing or share this blog post with them, so they can read a little bit about it as well. You can find similar concepts in many cities.

Bike Sharing System of Barcelona

Bike Sharing System of Barcelona

Thank you very much for reading! Have a great day… all boosters out there! Together we´ll make the world better, just keep on smiling! 😀

12 thoughts on “105.000 people can´t be wrong!

  1. Pingback: Barcelona Bike share system “Bicing” – 105,000 people can’t be wrong! | JBS News

  2. imadrop

    Reblogged this on I'm a drop and commented:
    The best tip in order to get a real change: if you are sitting, stand up, if you stand up, walk, if you walk, cycle!! this is an amazing post about my favorite city and this marvelous system called Bicing, read about it and find out why I’m so fascinated about Bicing!!

    1. sustainaboost Post author

      Hello Drop! 😉

      I´m very happy that you liked my post on Bicing! Thank you very much for the reblog! Good luck with your blog, really nice start! 🙂

      Best regards

      Björn Petersson

  3. Arleen

    Björn- I guess bike sharing is catching on all over the world. That is great for the environment and a healthy way to get around time. Great minds think alike.

    1. sustainaboost Post author

      Yes Arleen!
      I think it´s great, from all aspects, how the sharing concepts are becoming more popular. Definitely the way to go!
      Thank you very much for your comment and have a wonderful evening! 🙂

      Björn Petersson

  4. Aline Kolczycki Borges

    Hi! Awesome post, I love bike-sharing 🙂 So much that I developed my own app for that, for Windows Phone. It is pretty straight foward with information about the stations with just one look, and Live Tiles suport for as many stations you want. It is available for 106 cities, including Barcelona, Paris and NYC 🙂

    Makes bike sharing much easier to use

    Just search for “BikeWay” in Windows Phone store (if I put the link here is probably going to filter me as spam)


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